A world where every child and family connected to adoption, foster and kinship care thrives.
2023 was a significant year for C.A.S.E. With your support, we celebrated 25 years of service to the adoptive, foster and kinship care communities.
Together, we are making a difference by:
Select An Option
Providing Mental Health Services to Children and Families
Advancing Learning to Build a Responsive National Network of Professionals
In 2023, C.A.S.E. served 2,044 individuals who participated in mental health services.
Individuals Benefiting by Type of Service:
30 Adoptive Family Recruitment
76 Psychiatric Services
114 Group Therapy
944 Case Management
1,482 Individual/Family Therapy
Together, we are building a national workforce by advancing learning for more than 30,000 child welfare and mental health professionals who are serving children and families in communities across the country.
Across C.A.S.E., we managed more than14,000registrations for our training programs and webinars:
6,721 Webinars
5,361 National Training Initiative (NTI): Child Welfare, Mental Health, Schools
2,008Conferences and Conference Trainings
With our generous supporters, in 2023 C.A.S.E. launched our Academy for Advancing Clinical Practice in Permanency, integrating our clinical practice and training into hands-on learning to broaden professionals’ knowledge and practice integrating specialized skills.
Our supporters helped us convene an 11-member National Advisory Board, develop a robust internship program and train 10 MSW graduate students, complete a library of 11 instructional videos, and actively engage developing professionals in vibrant learning communities.
Fund-a-Family Scholarship Program
Thanks to our generous supporters, in 2023 C.A.S.E. was able to offer more than $170,000 in financial assistance to residents of Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
Through generous support we were able to improve the mental health of 103 clients and their families, like Andrea’s, who were not able to afford the cost of therapy.
Our supporters helped 66 children and youth and 37 adults and their families to engage in more than 1,000 counseling sessions to heal and overcome challenges related to loss, grief, trauma, executive function, anxiety and depression.
“The scholarship we received through C.A.S.E. provided our family with strategies and tools to help us communicate more effectively. We were able to have a greater understanding of our adopted children’s thoughts, fears, and feelings. We are thankful for the time we spent working with our C.A.S.E. therapist and the generosity of those that made it possible.”
To date, 800+ professionals like Ana have enrolled, representing 43 states and territories. With a goal of enrolling 1,500professionals by December 2024, we presented at conferences nationwide last year and promoted the training to thousands of school districts and associations.
“[The training] from C.A.S.E. helps counselors and teachers to work with students in more effective ways to improve well-being. It supports deeper problem-solving for students’ behaviors and provides reminders for many teachers about how the brain functions in a young child who has been affected by trauma. The training also helps with educating teachers as a sizable percentage do not understand foster care backgrounds. I appreciated the self-reflection pieces and exercises which are so realistic to the actual situations of students from so many types of trauma backgrounds and those experiencing homelessness. I like how the training increases the size of the “student and teacher toolboxes.” I hope many school districts will use this training!”
– Ana, District-Wide Social Worker, Family Services Coordinator, Nooksack Valley School District, WA
Help More
Families Thrive.
None of the important work C.A.S.E. does is possible without your generous support. You can help adoptive, foster, & kinship families get the support they need to heal and thrive.
Read Jayra's Story
Due to traumatic life experiences and compromised beginnings, many children who are adopted, who are being raised by relatives (kinship care), or have experienced foster care have higher risks for developmental, health, emotional, behavioral, and academic challenges.
Of therapy clients were children under the age of 18 in 2021.
Served in 2021 through therapy, case management, post-adoption services and Wendy's Wonderful Kids recruitment program.
Registrants for our monthly Strengthening Your Family webinars and parent support groups featuring a wide array of topics for the adoptive, foster and kinship community.
What People Are Saying About Us
Adoptive Family
“The support C.A.S.E. has provided to me, my husband, and our two adopted children has been phenomenal. ”
Adoptive Family
“NPAC post-adoption support coaches helped me obtain specialized services that my child needed. ”
Adoptive ParentC.A.S.E. Client
“Great knowledge of the specific relationships, emotions, and phases of adoption through foster care; all of the resources for adoptive paren”
Adoptive FamilyNPAC Client
“NPAC post-adoption support coaches suggested that my child may have sensory needs. We then sought help from an occupational therapist that h”
Strengthening Your Family Webinar Participant
“This was one of the best webinars I have been in! So many practical applications… Being able to walk away, not just with knowledge, but with”
Adoptive ParentC.A.S.E. Client
“My son really enjoys his sessions and likes to talk about what his thinking and feeling with his therapist. he likes when the issues he is d”
Adoptive FamilyNPAC Client
“NPAC post-adoption support coaches helped connect me to resources for specific disabilities for my child.”
Strengthening Your Family Webinar Participant
“The presenter was fantastic. She was extremely knowledgeable and engaging. She clearly had a passion for working with adoptive families/ad”
Adoptive FamilyNPAC Client
“NPAC post-adoption support coaches provided language I could use in a student study meeting to acquire a 504 for my child.”
Adoptive ParentC.A.S.E. Client
“The expertise of the therapists, the non-judgmental approach to helping parents, the compassion and understanding they show towards our fami”
CarterC.A.S.E. Client
“At C.A.S.E., [my therapist] helps me understand adoption. She also helps me deal with behavior problems. I’m learning to express my feelings”
Strengthening Your Family Webinar Participant
“The presenter was down to earth and talked in a way I could relate to and understand the topic.”
Unique Challenges of Adoption & Foster Care
Mental Health Services
C.A.S.E. offers specialized adoption-competent in-person and teletherapy, case management, parent and teen support groups, and educational resources, including parent and professional trainings.
C.A.S.E. offers in-demand and live webinars focused on a variety of relevant topics for adoptive, foster and kinship parents as well as the professionals who serve them.
C.A.S.E. offers a variety of free virtual and in-person support groups throughout the year including teen identity, parent led and caregiver support groups.