I do this work because it is a humble privilege to support clients and families in recognizing the healing power of vulnerability and honoring their grief.
I do this work because my professional goal is to make a difference in someone’s life, even if it is a small difference. I take pride in promoting C.A.S.E.’s services that helps both professionals and adopted/foster families.
I do this work because as an adult adopted person, I understand the importance and impact adoption-competent therapy has on families.
I do this work because social work is a passion of mine. I am able to use my digital marketing skills and knowledge to increase the online brand awareness of C.A.S.E.’s services and help many families and professionals receive the help and resources they are searching for.
I do this work because I love playing a small role in helping adoptive families get connected with the services they need, for families to feel supported, and know that they are not alone.
I do this work because families need a coach for when life is hard, a cheerleader to celebrate small successes and someone who can be present with them in whatever they’re feeling in the moment.
I do this work because I was at a point in my life and career that I wanted to give back to the community. I have been at C.A.S.E. for over 8 years. I love the work that we do and the lives that we touch.
I do this work because there are brown and black children languishing in foster care and need forever families – I am their voice.
I do this work because I believe that all people deserve to have a quality of life. One of the ways to secure a quality life is through maintaining mental health wellbeing. By working as a mental health professional, I extend my services to the people I work with so that they enjoy having the quality of life they deserve.
I do this work because it challenges me every day in different ways, I love my coworkers, I get to be part of an organization that makes a difference, and I’m always learning.
I do this work because C.A.S.E.’s work as an organization is extremely invaluable to adoptive and foster families across the country. In addition to mental health services, C.A.S.E. is a leader in training other therapists to be adoption-competent therapists. Knowing the impact we have on this population, makes me feel very proud to work at C.A.S.E.
I do this work because I nearly lost my daughter to suicide. I know the importance of early intervention and family-focused therapy and I want other families to have access to quality mental healthcare.
I do this work because as I was building my own family through adoption. I began to experience some of the unique dynamics and realized the need for specialized, experienced therapeutic supports for people connected to the constellation of adoption. So fortunate to be in the DC area, with my family, as Debbie embarked on her vision of creating CASE. I do this work with hopes of highlighting the value of diversity and expanding our understanding of the ways we can support youth and families.
I do this work because I have seen and experienced what it is like to need specialized highly focused care and how many barriers are in place. I have seen quality impacted as a way to reduce these barriers however, I believe that in areas of health and wellness, people shouldn’t have to choose. I work hard to make access easy and reduce as many barriers as possible while focusing on the operations to reduce the workload and increase satisfaction for the ones providing the care. I know it works and when it clicks a small part in this world becomes better.
I do this work to improve the lives of children and families touched by the child welfare system. As an adoptee, I am aware of the challenges children from these backgrounds face throughout their life in an intense way. My mission is to support them as they grow to understand that they are more than their lived experience, a box commonly painted on them by a society that often sees them solely through that prism. The knowledge gained about foster care and adoption comes primarily from the voices of children and adults with lived experience. As such, my work also seeks to highlight the adult voices of those touched by the child welfare system.
I do this work because I saw the impact on staff and on children and families when child welfare and mental health professionals weren’t using best practices. Having the opportunity to direct the development and implementation of NTI Training has truly been a highlight of my career. I am so proud to work for C.A.S.E. and to have the opportunity to impact the child welfare and mental health workforce and through them, improve the outcomes for so many children and families.
I do this work because of the ‘real impact’ it makes on the lives of youth and families across the U.S. Moreover, how NTI truly helps child welfare and mental health professionals better understand the importance of addressing the unique mental health needs of those they serve and how to apply the skills and knowledge they have gained.
I do this work because I always wanted to be able to help people in some type of way. Working for a nonprofit gives me that. I like seeing the end result as well. To see that all the work you put into it and the smiling faces and the many thank yous in the end.
I do this work because as an adoptive parent myself I realize that adoption is a lifelong journey and want to be able to support other families who are also on this journey.
I do this work because I think it is important that people are able to feel a sense of fulfillment through their work. In my role, I have the opportunity to connect people to a mission that inspires them and contributes to making the world a better place for others.
I am on the C.A.S.E. Board of Directors because all adopted and foster children deserve to benefit from the 25 years of wisdom and expertise this organization has brought to mental health practitioners and researchers.
I am on the C.A.S.E. Board of Directors because my life has been changed through being the father to an adopted son. I choose to dedicate my time and effort in promoting the miracle of adoption and its transformational effect. I share my skills and use my abilities to benefit those who walk this path so that they may find the support they need for their families and their children. C.A.S.E. has inspired me to be more, do more and care more. I will encourage and advocate for my business contacts, network, friends and family to do more and spread the word about this organization and its staff.
I am on the C.A.S.E Board because there is no better organization supporting resiliency and wellbeing for children and families experiencing foster care and adoptions.
I am on the C.A.S.E. Board because C.A.S.E. is doing work that no one else in the world is doing. Their services for adopted and foster children and their families, as well as their trainings for professionals in the field are best in class. I am so very proud to be part of this incredible organization.
I am on the C.A.S.E. Board of Directors because this organization recognizes the unique challenges that foster/adopted children face, addresses them and works every day to improve their and their families’ lives. Making a difference one unique child at a time.
I am on the C.A.S.E. Board of Directors because I know from direct experience how important adoption-competent counseling is to adopted children. My husband and I have two wonderful children whom we adopted at birth through open adoption. We understand that adopted children confront deep challenges as they grow and come to confront and understand their background and identities. And no organization does a better job at counseling adopted children and building capacity for adoption-competent counselors than C.A.S.E.
I am on the C.A.S.E. Board of Directors because I am an adoptee. I know foster and adopted children and their families will be stronger and happier with early access to adoption competent mental health care, and especially can avoid so much early adolescent angst when identities are being formed.
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Due to traumatic life experiences and compromised beginnings, many children who are adopted, who are being raised by relatives (kinship care), or have experienced foster care have higher risks for developmental, health, emotional, behavioral, and academic challenges.
Of therapy clients were children under the age of 18 in 2021.
Served in 2021 through therapy, case management, post-adoption services and Wendy's Wonderful Kids recruitment program.
Registrants for our monthly Strengthening Your Family webinars and parent support groups featuring a wide array of topics for the adoptive, foster and kinship community.