Before NTI Training – Tool Tip #1

Before NTI Training – Tool Tip #1

This is the first “Tool Tip” in a three-part series of Transfer of Learning “Tips and Tools” to use BEFORE, DURING and AFTER you and/or your team completes NTI.

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A. Before training, set clear goals and objectives. Connect the knowledge and skills you’ll focus on in the training to your future practice.

Be sure to set clear and measurable short-term and long-term goals for NTI including your expectations for the completion of training, how it fits with current or future training requirements, your expectations for how training knowledge and skills are to be transferred into daily practice, etc.

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Mental Health Provider, NTI Participant from South Carolina shares:

“We made it mandatory that all of our mental health providers complete NTI within a four-month timeframe and that supervisors were to facilitate transfer of learning activities on a monthly basis.”

B. Orient supervisors and training participants to the training

Create intentional opportunities to provide your team with an NTI overview and online demonstration through staff meetings, agency training events, webinars, email messages, social media and other methods commonly used by your organization. NTI staff can assist by facilitating a live webinar–NTI Overview–using online platforms such as ZOOM, GoToMeeting, etc. NTI has pre-recorded presentations as well as promotional tools for your use. View promotional tools on NTI Communications Tools for Sharing.

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Chair, Department of Social Work, Tuskegee University-Alabama shares:

“NTI staff were very supportive in creating marketing materials, instructions for learners, and, presentations to connect the Alabama community with the agency training for Adoptions Competency. In fact, the first launch was a success with over 40 learners, from students to professionals, logging on to take the training sessions. We look forward to hosting NTI trainings for CEU’s on Tuskegee University’s College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Social Work continuing education academy website!”

C. Develop messaging for your team through all appropriate communication channels and enthusiastically engage them

Include flyers, postcards and detailed narrative NTI Overviews. Be sure to provide opportunities for staff and supervisors to share their own desired expectations and outcomes from NTI which can be included in some of your outreach/promotional messaging.

Visit “NTI Communications Tools for Sharing

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Adoption Supervisor shares:

“Our kick-off event for all state adoption and permanency staff and supervisors was held prior to NTI Pilot Launch where statewide key decision makers participated to demonstrate their support and commitment to integrating NTI, including the director of service, regional directors, and the behavioral health director. Presentations were made in this all-day meeting, including an overview of NTI, benefits to staff and children and families, and expectations regarding time frames and completion. Because of this leadership and engagement from the top, Maine’s completion rate was 92% – an outstanding achievement for online training.”