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If you live outside of the Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia area – C.A.S.E. created the accredited Training for Adoption Competency (TAC) program to train more than 1800 mental health therapists nationwide from 18 different states.
Adoptive, kinship and foster families across the country can now search by state to find mental health professionals who have the specialized skills to address your unique needs.
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Due to traumatic life experiences and compromised beginnings, many children who are adopted, who are being raised by relatives (kinship care), or have experienced foster care have higher risks for developmental, health, emotional, behavioral, and academic challenges.
Of therapy clients were children under the age of 18 in 2021.
Served in 2021 through therapy, case management, post-adoption services and Wendy's Wonderful Kids recruitment program.
Registrants for our monthly Strengthening Your Family webinars and parent support groups featuring a wide array of topics for the adoptive, foster and kinship community.