Child Welfare Training Benefits & Features

Child Welfare Training Benefits & Features

NTI enables Child Welfare Agencies to engage effectively with children, youth, and families who’ve experienced trauma, loss and grief.

Curriculum Focus:

The modular web-based training is 20 hours (see Curricula Overview) and focuses on case work practices and professional skills for staff across the child welfare continuum to promote child well-being, permanency and family stability for children living with foster, adoptive or guardianship families.

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Advantages and Benefits of NTI:

  • Provides standardized training for Child Welfare Professionals.
  • Teaches skills that are trauma and evidence-informed, consistent with the Family First Act.
  • Emphasizes strategies that address multiple CFSR outcomes, including placement stability, preservation of family connections, and services to meet mental health needs.
  • Approved by NASW for continuing education credits.
  • Piloted with over 6,000 Child Welfare Professionals, participants experienced significant knowledge gains on all training modules and reported improvements to their casework practice.

NTI supports Family First and CFSR Goals:

NTI helps organizations comply with the Family First Act requirement for a skilled, competent, and trauma-informed workforce.

Learn about specific organizational benefits, and download this helpful document to share with others:

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NTI will help professionals in these ways and more:

  • Focus on addressing the behavioral and mental health needs of children and youth to enhance their well-being.
  • Enhance professional skills needed to promote stability and permanency for children, youth, and their families from their entry into the child welfare system to post-adoption or guardianship.
  • Go beyond available trainings to focus on trauma-informed, attachment-based casework skills you can apply in your daily work.
  • Increase knowledge of the complexities of adoption, kinships and guardianship that relate to many other facets in your work.
Get the 'Training for Child Welfare' Detailed Modules and Lessons Listing See a sample module demo

Features of NTI Training:

  • Free web-based interactive training – enables you to engage completely…participants rave it “holds your interest!”
  • Learn at your own pace – pause with opportunities for reflection.
  • All participants are active and engaged – activities using real life scenarios, case vignettes, and videos of people with actual lived experience and experts in the field.
  • Free downloadable resources – enhance a deeper dive into learning essentials.
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