ADOPTEE AUTHOR SERIES: Celebrating Black Joy with Black to The Beginning – A Book Discussion

ADOPTEE AUTHOR SERIES: Celebrating Black Joy with Black to The Beginning - A Book Discussion

Adoptee Author Series Samantha Coleman & Sandria Washington
Date Dec 13, 2023
Time 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Join us as we welcome Black To The Beginning to discuss A Year of Black Joy!

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Join us as we welcome Black To The Beginning to discuss Black Joy, an uplifting and empowering illustrated anthology of joyful contributions from 52 contemporary Black voices, including featured authors Dr. Samantha Coleman and Sandria Washington, who both discovered as adults they were adopted. Curated by award-winning author Jamia Wilson, A Year of Black Joy celebrates the joy, talent, and contributions of 52 Black people from around the world. The collection includes an entry for every week of the year, and each contribution is tied to a particular season, event, or celebration. Each contributor is an expert in their own field, and the book covers a multitude of topics, from adoption to astrology to beekeeping and baking.

WHEN: Wednesday, December 13th, 2023

TIME: 7:00 – 8:00PM EST

WHERE: Instagram Live 

About The Authors 

Friends Dr. Samantha Coleman and Sandria Washington both discovered as adults they were adopted. Each quickly learned that Black Adoption is common, but taboo to speak about in private or publicly. The voices of Black adoptees – especially those adopted by Black families – are rarely heard. Most conversations about adoption are from the perspective of parents, typically White adoptive parents. If every birth has a story, why is no one telling ours? In 2019, Dr. Sam and Sandria partnered to create Black to the Beginning to disrupt the legacy of secrecy, stigma, shame and silence about Black Adoption. Black to the Beginning centers the voices and experiences of Black families and Black adult adoptees via adoptee coaching services, speaking engagements, and consultative services for those impacted by the Black Adoption Experience.  Black to the Beginning also produces the critically-acclaimed The Black Adoption Podcast.