SYF WEBINAR: Inside Transracial Adoption: A Conversation Between Isaac, CEO & Founder of Identity and Julie Etter, Adoptive Mother

SYF WEBINAR: Inside Transracial Adoption: A Conversation Between Isaac, CEO & Founder of Identity and Julie Etter, Adoptive Mother

Date Apr 17, 2025
Time 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Cost $ 15.00
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Strengthening Your Family Webinar

Inside Transracial Adoption: A Conversation Between Isaac, CEO & Founder of Identity and Julie Etter, Adoptive Mother

Thursday, April 17th, 2025 | 1:00PM – 2:30PM EST 

Use coupon code TRANSRACIAL to receive free registration at checkout.


Extended Access Available April 17 – May 16, 2025

CEs for this webinar are also available, learn more.


Jockey Being Family Logo under Strengthening Your Family Webinar Logo Graphic Image of People Holding HandsIn conjunction with our adoption advocacy partner, The Jockey Being Family Foundation, C.A.S.E offers 600 FREE registrations to each Strengthening Your Family (SYF) Webinar with 10 webinars offered each year. These webinars focus on a variety of relevant topics for adoptive, foster and kinship parents as well as the professionals who serve them.

It’s often difficult to see the full picture in adoption. Adoptees and adoptive parents have individual and unique perspectives and struggles that don’t get seen side by side. Inside Transracial Adoption is a window into the journey of an adoptive family with all the highs and lows. Adoptive mother Julie Etter and son Isaac Etter open up to give adoption professionals and adoptive parents a window into their real-life struggles, lessons, and joys. Julie and Isaac will open the space to questions from the audience and provide resources post-presentation.

Meet the Presenters 

Isaac Etter

Isaac Etter 

Isaac Etter is an adoptee and social entrepreneur. Isaac was transracially adopted at the age of two. He founded Identity, a startup focused on helping adoptive and foster families thrive. At Identity, Isaac is working on re-imagining post-placement support for adoptive and foster families. Isaac uses his story and deep passion for adoption and foster care education to bring relevant, quality, and a variety of resources for adoptive and foster parents. Isaac has used his story of being adopted to curate deep conversations about race, identity, and adoption. With his unique insight, Isaac has been able to curate impactful discussions about adoptions’ impact on children and how parents can help their children navigate identity development. Isaac specializes in helping child welfare professionals and parents understand the unique challenges and joys involved with transracial adoption/fostering.


Isaac Etter

Julie Etter

Julie Etter is a mother to 5. Her oldest and youngest are adopted with 3 bio kids in the middle. She is passionate about equipping children with the tools to become lifelong learners and thinkers. She teaches humanities classes at different levels. Julie resides in Lancaster, Pa with her husband and 3 of her children still in the home. Nothing brings her more joy than time with her perfect grandchild and when all of her children congregate bringing lots of noise and chaos.