What Does Data Tell Us About the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) Trainings?

What Does Data Tell Us About the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (NTI) Trainings?

Image of NTI Training on laptop
Written by C.A.S.E.
Published on: Jul 30, 2024
Category For Professionals

C.A.S.E. has partnered with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center on Children, Families, and the Law on the evaluation of our National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training (NTI). Based on our most recent evaluation report included in our Semi-Annual Report covering the October 2023 through March 2024 period, we are pleased to report that NTI participants continue to show knowledge growth and report high levels of satisfaction and that the content is relevant to their work. These data sets are consistent with findings from the NTI pilot and offer strong support for the value and impact of NTI.

Learning Gains for Child Welfare Supervisors and Professionals

NTI participants take a pre-test and a post-test for each module. As seen in the charts below, participants in all curricula show learning gains in every module. For our latest group of completers, the knowledge gains for both Child Welfare Professionals and Child Welfare Supervisors are consistent with the pilot findings with the lowest pre-test score and greatest gains seen in the module on Impact of Loss and Grief (Module 5) along with the module on Maintaining Stability and Well-being lifelong (Module 8). These data show the ongoing need for the NTI training and the learning that takes place. The growth in knowledge and skills demonstrates NTI is addressing much-needed training topics and has the ability to build capacity within these workforces in these areas. 


Learning Gains for Mental Health Professionals

For Mental Health Professionals, the findings from our most current group of completers also remained consistent with our pilot findings – with the lowest pre-test score and greatest gains on the module on Attachment (Module 3), followed by the module on Assessment and Treatment Planning (Module 8).


In a post-training survey, NTI participants were asked to rate their satisfaction with the training overall, specific aspects, and how relevant the training content is to their work. NTI participants reported overwhelming satisfaction with almost every Mental Health Professional participant reporting that the content was relevant to their work. This shows that NTI is a high-quality training that targets applicable skills to help professionals work with these children, youth, and families.

NTI Satisfaction and Relevance Bar Graph Oct. 2023 - Mar. 2024

What NTI participants had to say:

NTI Participant, Mental Health Professional
“The assessment tools are also very helpful as well as the ideas for specific clinical activities to use with youth.”
NTI Participant, Child Welfare Supervisor
“There were so many modules that will help support best practice with children and families....”
NTI Participant, Mental Health Professional
“[I liked] How comprehensive it was, how well topics were explained and presented...such as case management, skills training, & therapists.”
NTI Participant, Mental Health Professional
“I really appreciated the set-up...where each page was very short and there were pictures/videos/clip art, etc. and a variety of other ways..”
NTI Participant, Child Welfare Professional
“The shared stories from actual children and families affected by the adoption / foster care process were both inspiring and informative.”
NTI Participant, Mental Health Professional
“I enjoyed that the training utilized a variety of different modes/formats of teaching new concepts, including videos/testimonials...”
NTI Participant, Child Welfare Supervisor
“All professionals working with families/children involved with adoption/guardianship and child welfare would benefit from this training...”
NTI Participant, Mental Health Professional
“It was extremely comprehensive yet broken down in easily digestible chunks. The thoroughness of this training and depth is amazing! ”

Data reported were collected from October 2023-March 2024 and represent participants who completed NTI through the C.A.S.E. Institute.

For questions or additional information, please contact evaluators@adoptionsupport.org